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Create an activation profile

  1. On the menu bar, click
    Policies and Profiles
  2. Click
    Policy > Activation
  3. Click The Add icon.
  4. Type a name and description for the profile.
  5. In the
    Number of devices that a user can activate
    field, specify the maximum number of devices the user can activate.
  6. In the
    Device ownership
    drop-down list, select the default setting for device ownership.
    • Select
      Not specified
      if some users activate personal devices and some users activate work devices.
    • Select
      if most users activate work devices.
    • Select
      if most users activate their personal devices.
  7. Optionally, select an organization notice in the
    Assign organization notice
    drop-down list. If you assign an organization notice, users activating
    , or
    Windows 10
    devices must accept the notice to complete the activation process.
  8. In the
    Device types that users can activate
    section, select the device OS types that users can activate. Device types that you don't select are not included in the activation profile and users can't activate those devices.
  9. Perform the following actions for each device type included in the activation profile:
    1. Click the tab for the device type.
    2. In the
      Device model restrictions
      drop-down list, select one of the following options:
      • No restrictions
        : Users can activate any device model.
      • Allow selected device models
        : Users can activate only the device models that you specify. Use this option to limit the allowed devices to only some models.
      • Do not allow selected device models
        : Users can't activate the device models that you specify. Use this option to block activation of some device models or devices from specific manufacturers.
      If you restrict the device models users can activate, click
      to select the devices you want to allow or restrict and click
    3. In the
      Minimum allowed version
      drop-down list, select the minimum allowed OS version.
      Many older OS versions are no longer supported by
      BlackBerry UEM
      . You only need to select a minimum version if you don't want to support the earliest version currently supported by
      BlackBerry UEM
      . For more information on supported versions, see the Compatability Matrix.
    4. Select the supported activation types.
  10. For
    devices, perform the following actions:
    1. If you selected the "
      User privacy
      " activation type and you want to enable SIM-based licensing, select
      Allow access to SIM card and device hardware information to enable SIM-based licensing
    2. If you selected the "
      User privacy
      " activation type and you want to manage specific features, select the appropriate check boxes. For more information on each option, see Activation types: iOS devices.
    3. If you selected the "MDM controls" or "
      User privacy
      " (with SIM-based licensing) activation types and you only want to activate supervised devices, select
      Do not allow unsupervised devices to activate
    4. In the
      iOS app integrity check
      section, optionally select one of the following attestation methods:
      • Perform app integrity check on BlackBerry Dynamics app activation
        :  Use this method to send challenges to devices when they are activated to check the integrity of
        work apps.
      • Perform periodic app integrity checks
        :  Use this method to send challenges to devices to check the integrity of
        work apps.
      To perform
      app integrity checking, you must enable
      BlackBerry Protect
      in your
      BlackBerry UEM
      domain. For more information, see the BlackBerry Protect Mobile content.
  11. Click
If necessary, rank profiles.