Configure the Java Runtime Environment
Runtime EnvironmentJRE
8 is required for BEMS
support of intranet applications and other e-business solutions that are the foundation of corporate computing. After installing the JRE
system environment variable must be set.
It is recommended to disable the auto-updates to the
Runtime Environment to avoid possible disruption of the BEMS
notification function. For instructions on how to upgrade the Java
version, visit to read article 48312.- On the computer that hostsBEMS, right-clickThis PC>Properties.
- ClickAdvanced system settings.
- Click theAdvancedtab.
- ClickEnvironment Variables.
- In theSystem variableslist, complete one of the following tasks:
- IfJAVA_HOMEdoes not exist, create the variable. clickNew. In theVariable namefield, typeJAVA_HOME.
- If theJAVA_HOMEvariable exists, clickEdit.
- In theVariable valuefield, type the full path to theJavainstall folder for the 64-bitJRE. For example,
- If you installed JRE version 8u371 or later, typeC:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8
- If you installed a JRE version earlier than JRE 8u371, typeC:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_<version>
- If you install an alternate JRE, for exampleZulu, typeC:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-8-jre
If you use an OpenJDK version and include the direct path to the java.exe file, theBEMSinstaller returns the error message:Could not find a valid Java virtual machine to load. You may need to reinstall a supported java virtual machine. - ClickOK.
- In theSystem variablessection, locate thePathvariable. ClickEdit.
- In theVariable valuefield, append theJAVA_HOMEvariable, separated by a semi-colon. For example, add;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
- ClickOK. ClickOKagain.