Using the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Microsoft.Maui
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Microsoft.Maui
- Follow the requirements, prerequisites, and setup instructions for theBlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Androidor theBlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS(or both, if you develop apps for both platforms).
- Follow the instructions in Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK.
- Use the followingMicrosoft.MauiNuGet libraries that are distributed in the SDK package:
- Microsoft.MauiNuGet common libraries: BBDXamarinForms.Common.Library
- Microsoft.Mauiplatform NuGet libraries:
- BBDXamarinForms.Droid.Library
- BBDXamarinForms.iOS.Library
- Microsoft.AndroidandMicrosoft.iOSbinding NuGet libraries:
- GoodDynamics.Android
- GoodDynamics.iOS
The NuGet libraries listed above are distributed as a local .nupkg file source (located in the Platform/nuget subdirectory) with a NuGet.Config settings file in each of the sample apps for iOS and Android. You should also use the .csproj file as a reference for NuGet project dependency configuration, as Microsoft Visual Studio Dependency Manager does not always compile with the actual state. - Review the sample projects in theBlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Microsoft.Mauipackage to familiarize yourself with the project structure and configurations.
- BlankApp: The main project that contains application views that render on both platforms and allow the execution of the unified API. Demonstrates how to implement theBlackBerry DynamicsSDK event handling lifecycle. See theApp.xaml.csfile and Implement a BlackBerry Dynamics event listener.
- AppKinecticsService: Demonstrates how to write a server application that uses theBlackBerry DynamicsInter-Container Communications API (AppKinetics). AppKinetics allowsBlackBerry Dynamicsapps running on the same device to exchange data and commands securely.
- SampleAppSuite: Demonstrates how to use the rest of the available APIs.
The sample apps require the following NuGet packages that can be obtained usingMicrosoft Visual Studio: NLog, Unity.