- What is the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK?
- Requirements and support for platform-specific features
- Steps to get started with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK
- Implementing Play Integrity attestation for BlackBerry Dynamics apps
- About the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Microsoft.Maui
- Sample apps
- Testing and troubleshooting
- Deploying your BlackBerry Dynamics app
- Deploying certificates to BlackBerry Dynamics apps
Secure storage
Secure file system
apps store data in a secure, encrypted file system. For more information, see BlackBerry Dynamics File I/O Package in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
API reference, or GDFileManager and GDFileHandle in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS
API reference.Secure SQL database
apps can leverage a secure SQL database that stores and encrypts data on the user’s device. The secure SQL database is based on the SQLite library.