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Allow unencrypted data to be copied to the pasteboard

BlackBerry Dynamics
platform offers comprehensive data leakage prevention controls, but in certain cases you may want to allow an app to copy unencrypted data to the pasteboard so that it can be consumed by another non-
BlackBerry Dynamics
To implement this feature, you must use
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK
version 8.0 or later, and you must implement a
BlackBerry Dynamics
application policy in
that allows the administrator to enable or disable the feature. See the GDNativePasteboardAccess class reference for details about the client-side implementation.
  1. Create a
    BlackBerry Dynamics
    app policy definition file for your app. For implementation details and more information about the file format and elements, see the Application Policies Definition appendix in the API Reference and the BlackBerry Dynamics App Policies Technical Brief.
  2. Add a setting definition for the Native Pasteboard Access policy. The name of the key must be
    and the default value should be
    <setting name=""> <checkbox> <key></key> <label>Enable iOS Native Pasteboard Access</label> <value>false</value> </checkbox> </setting>
  3. Include the Native Pasteboard Access policy setting in the structural section of the file.
    <pview> <pview type="tabbed" key="iOSNativePasteboard"> <title>iOS Native Pasteboard</title> <desc>Permit this application to use the GDNativePasteboardAccess API. This function allows pasteboard items to be written to and read from the pasteboard in the clear while data leakage prevention is active.</desc> <pe ref="" /> </pview> </pview>
  4. Coordinate with the
    administrator to upload the app policy for your app in
    . See Manage settings for a BlackBerry Dynamics apps (App configuration > Upload a template).
administrator can now enable the feature.