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Get a JWT token for REST API calls

  1. Get a refresh token from the 
     myAccount online service. Use the same myAccount credentials that you use to log in to the 
    BlackBerry Analytics
     portal. Refresh tokens are valid for a long time. Access tokens expire in the interval indicated, in minutes.
    Request to the server:
    curl --request POST --data "client_id=com.good.oauth2.client.general&grant_type=password&username= user@domain&password=account_password"
    Response from the server:
    {"scope":"com.good.oauth2.client.general goodCurUserLevel goodOrgID goodOrgRole goodOrgType inetUserStatus mail o","expires_in":600,"token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":" TOKEN_VALUE ","access_token":" TOKEN_VALUE "}
  2. You can use a refresh token to generate a new access token. Persist the refresh token in a secure storage location that is accessible to your app.
    Request to the server:
    curl --request POST --data "client_id=com.good.oauth2.client.general&grant_type=refresh_token& refresh_token=TOKEN_VALUE"
    Response from the server:
    {"scope":"com.good.oauth2.client.general goodCurUserLevel goodOrgID goodOrgRole goodOrgType inetUserStatus mail o","expires_in":600,"token_type":"Bearer","access_token":"TOKEN_VALUE"}
  3. Exchange the access token for a JWT token at the 
    BlackBerry Analytics
    Request to the server:
    Response from the server:
  4. Make 
    BlackBerry Analytics
     API calls with the JWT token. The JWT token expires after 1 hour. You can repeat steps 2 and 3 to get a new JWT token.
    Request to the server:
    curl -H 'Authorization:Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>'
    Response from the server: