Create an email
BlackBerry Work
, you can open a new email from the Work app, your inbox, or another mailbox, from Contacts, or from Calendar. If your administrator has specified a font type and size for the organization, the set font and size is used in your outgoing email messages, by default. You can override the policy by enabling the Use Custom Fonts option. - Open a new email. Complete one of the following steps:
- From the Work app, long press theWorkapp. TapNew email.
- From your Inbox or any folder, tap
- From your Contacts, tap a recipient's email address.
- In theFromfield, tap the down arrow to select which email address or email alias to send the email message from.
- Tap theTofield and type a recipient's name. As you type,BlackBerry Worksuggests names from your Contacts and your organization's Global Address List (GAL). Note that your Outlook personal distribution lists can also be supported. Tap the
beside a name to exclude it from future suggestions.
- Tap
Add Cc/Bccto add recipients. - Tap theSubjectfield to enter the subject line of your email.
- Optionally, tap
to attach a file, add a link, set the priority, set the sensitivity, or add meeting information to the message.
- If your administrator has enabled the Restrictions option (the Permissions option in Outlook), choose any desired restriction.
- Tap in the body of the email to compose your message.
- If you want to paste an image into the email message, copy the image and then long press and select Paste. Note that the ability to paste images is dependent on your organization’s policies.
- If you want to mention a user, type @ and type their name. In the results, tap the user that you want to mention. If the mentioned user is not included in the To field, they are automatically added. If they are included in the CC or BCC field, the mentioned user is moved to the To field.
- Tap a word to add it to the dictionary, delete it, or accept a spelling suggestion from a drop-down list.
- To open formatting options, do the following:
- Tap and hold a word to select it.
- Drag the left or right handles to expand or narrow your selection.
- In the toolbar, tapSelect All,Cut,Copy, orPaste. (These options may be disabled by your administrator.)
- TapB,I, orUto apply bold, italic, or underline the selection. Tap an option again to remove the formatting.If the formatting toolbar does not appear automatically, tap
. Tap the icon again to hide the toolbar.
- When your message is complete, tap