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Send an encrypted email to a distribution list

  1. From your Inbox or any folder, tap The Compose icon.
  2. Tap the
    field and add a distribution list.
  3. Add a Subject and add information in the body of the email message.
  4. Tap The Menu icon.
  5. Tap
    Set Security
  6. Tap
    Sign and encrypt message
  7. Tap the Send icon.
    BlackBerry Work
    retrieves the certificates from
    Microsoft Exchange
    , and then sends the email message.
    BlackBerry Work
    cannot find certificates for all of the recipients, you can tap Continue and send the email message but some of the recipients won’t be able to read it, or you can choose to remove the users that don’t have certificates, or you can choose to send the email message unencrypted to all recipients. When you send S/MIME encrypted messages to distribution lists that contain more than 100 email addresses, BlackBerry Work makes only 100 certificate requests at a time to BEMS.