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Configure RSA SecurID soft token authentication

BlackBerry Work
devices supports RSA SecurID soft token authentication. The software consists of an app and a separately installed, software-based security token that transfers password protection to
BlackBerry Work
BlackBerry Work
contains an embedded RSA SecurID authenticator that can generate and display a 6-digit or 8-digit token code at 30 and 60 second intervals.
To use the RSA SecurID software token app for authentication,
BlackBerry Work
must be configured to support RSA token import using the Compressed Token Format (CTF) URL.
  • Verify that the RSA SecurID Software Token app is installed on the device. If the RSA SecurID app is not installed, the device OS displays an error or redirects the user to the
    App Store
    Google Play
  • Verify that you have provisioned the RSA SecurID software token for the user.
  • Verify the URL scheme for your users’ devices:
    • iOS
      devices: com.rsa.securid://ctf/?ctfData=TOKENDATA
      In the steps below, you will send a SDTID file to users’ devices.
    • Android
      In the steps below, you will send the seed record token data to users' devices. If you have a SDTID file, you must convert it to a CTF format. For more information, see RSA SecurID Software Token Converter Documentation.
  1. In the
    BlackBerry UEM
    management console, on the menu bar, click
  2. Search for and click
    BlackBerry Work
  3. On the
    BlackBerry Dynamics
    tab, in the
    App configuration
    table, click the app configuration that you want to edit.
  4. On the
    tab, complete one of the following tasks:
    Send the SDTID file as an attachment (
    1. In the
      File Handling
      section, select the
      Enable exporting to 3rd-party native apps
      check box.
    2. In the drop-down list, select
      Allow exporting only to these apps
    3. In the
      Enter App ID
      field, enter the RSA SecurID Software Token app ID.
    4. Send the SDTID file to your users.
    5. Request users to open the email in the
      BlackBerry Work
      app, tap the RSA token attachment, and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the authentication process. 
    Send the seed record token data in a clickable link in the email body (
    , and
    1. In the
      Launch 3rd party app
      section, select the
      Enable integration with 3rd party RSA SecurID app using CTF token seed
      check box.
    2. Send the seed record to your users. The seed record must be in a CTF URL format. See the
      Before you begin
      section above to verify that you are using the appropriate URL scheme for your users' devices.
    3. Request users to open the email in the
      BlackBerry Work
      app, tap the RSA token link, and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the authentication process.