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BlackBerry Tasks and Notes app configuration settings

Select level of detail in Tasks reminders (Tasks only)
Select the level of detail that users see in tasks reminders.
Available settings:
  • No notifications
  • Show generic notification
  • Show task title
Configuration Settings
Security settings
Select the "Use
Constrained Delegation in place of login/password" option to specify whether
Constrained Delegation will be used for logging in to
Microsoft Exchange
. If this option is not selected, NTLM/Basic authentication will be used.
Select the "Use client certificate in place of login/password" option to specify whether clients must have individual login certificates (SSL) uploaded to the
BlackBerry UEM
management console. These certificates are used for login instead of basic credentials (username/password).
Embedded Hyperlink Support
Administrators can select any of the following settings:
  • Do not allow user to open hyperlinks
  • Only allow secure browser
  • Prefer secure browser but allow device browser
Enterprise Mobility Server
In the Server List Reshuffle Period (minutes) field, specify the frequency that the server list, if present, is reshuffled for load balancing purposes.
In the Server List Quarantine Period (minutes) field, specify how long
BlackBerry Tasks
BlackBerry Notes
waits before retrying if BlackBerry UEM is not working.
Exchange settings
Exchange web services authentication methods (iOS only)
Specify the authentication methods to use. If only certain authentication methods are supported in
Microsoft Exchange
, set those values to minimize the user setup time. (For example, if EWS IIS Auth Setting is set to allow only NTLM, then select only NTLM above for an optimal setup experience.) If none are selected above, the default
Microsoft Exchange
setting is used. If using client-based authentication, check none of the options.
Microsoft Exchange settings
Specify the Exchange domain or the Exchange server you want to use.
Exchange web services user name formats (iOS only)
Select the username formats that can be used to authenticate with
Microsoft Exchange Web Services
. Available settings:
  • UPN
  • Domain\UserId
  • SMTP
To simplify user setup, select only the username formats that are supported by
Microsoft Exchange Web Services
If you do not select an option, all options are allowed.
TLS certificate settings
Specify the user credential profile that contains the TLS certificate to be used to connect to
Microsoft Exchange
. The name of the profile that you specify must match the name of the user credential profile that was created in the
BlackBerry UEM
management console.
For more information on user credential profiles, see Sending client certificates to devices and apps using user credential profiles.
Office 365
modern auth settings
  • Select the "Use
    Office 365
    Modern Authentication" option to use modern authentication instead of basic authentication. Modern authentication enables
    BlackBerry Tasks
    BlackBerry Notes
    to use sign-in features such as Multi-Factor Authentication, SAML-based third-party Identity Providers, and smart card and certificate-based authentication.
  • In the "
    Office 365
    Sign On URL" field, specify the web address that
    BlackBerry Tasks
    BlackBerry Notes
    should use when signing in to
    Office 365
    . If you do not specify a value,
    BlackBerry Tasks
    BlackBerry Notes
    will use during setup.
  • In the "
    Office 365
    Tenant ID" field, specify the tenant ID of
    Office 365
    server that you want
    BlackBerry Tasks
    BlackBerry Notes
    to connect to during setup.
  • In the "
    App ID" field, specify the
    Microsoft Entra ID
    app ID for
    BlackBerry Tasks
    BlackBerry Notes
    . For information on how obtain an
    ID, see Obtain an Azure app ID for BlackBerry Tasks and BlackBerry Notes.
  • In the "
    Office 365
    Resource" field, specify the URL of the
    Microsoft Exchange Online
  • In the "Redirect URI" field, specify the URI that you entered in the
    Microsoft Entra ID
  • Select the "Use
    Office 365
    Brokered Authentication" setting to use brokered authentication when using Modern Authentication. This setting is required for
    Conditional Access.
  • Select the "Proxy
    Office 365
    Modern Authentication requests (Android only)" setting to force all
    Office 365
    Modern Authentication requests to go through the
    BlackBerry Proxy
    instead of connecting directly to the Internet.
Exchange User Name Format
In the "Exchange User Name Format" section, select UPN to use a UPN user name format instead of SMTP when authenticating with
Microsoft Exchange Online
. Depending on your environment, if your users are configured with UPNs that are different from their email address, you might need to enable "Use explicit UPN" property. For more information, see
BlackBerry Dynamics
global properties
App settings
Data leakage prevention watermark
If you select the "Enable DLP Watermark" option, a watermark is added to all
BlackBerry Dynamics
app screens (for example,
BlackBerry Work
BlackBerry Work
Docs, Calendar, and Contacts). The watermark shows the user's username and current date and time.
: If users print a file, the watermarks are not displayed in the output.
Screenshot Prevention (iOS Only)
The "Do not allow screenshots on
devices" option in the
BlackBerry Dynamics
profiles (
12.20 and later) can be used to globally specify whether users on
devices can take screenshots in the
BlackBerry Notes
BlackBerry Tasks
recommends using the
BlackBerry Dynamics
profile setting. For more information, see BlackBerry Dynamics profile settings. This setting will be removed in a future
BlackBerry Notes
BlackBerry Tasks
Select the "Prevent Screenshots on
" option to prevent screenshots of
BlackBerry Tasks
BlackBerry Notes
from being taken on an
If you select the "Allow users to perform app diagnostics" option, users can perform app diagnostics from the
BlackBerry Dynamics
Launcher on their devices.
Notes setup (Notes only)
  • Select "Store the title of the note in the note body" to include the title of the note in the body content.
  • Select the "Disable note editing for OWA" option to disable editing notes in OWA. Notes created in
    BlackBerry Notes
    will not be presented as drafts and users will not be able to add attachments, inline images, or make any edits using OWA.
Camera and Device Photo Gallery Permissions
Specify whether to allow access to the device camera, the photo gallery, or both. Available settings:
  • Allow access to camera and device photo gallery
  • Allow access to camera only
  • No access to camera or device photo gallery
The default value is "Allow access to camera and device photo gallery."
Select the "Tap a phone number to dial using native phone" option to allow users to use the native phone app.
Widget (Tasks only)
Select the "Grant permission to use the Tasks list widget (
only)" option to allow users to use the Tasks list widget.
Receiving/opening attachments
Specify whether to allow incoming attachments and specify a maximum size and the file extensions that are allowed or disallowed.
Block receiving attachments with total size larger than
Select a size from the drop-down list to block attachments larger than that size.
Block/Only allow receiving attachments by file extension
Select if you want to block or only allow receiving attachments by file extensions and specify the file extensions.
Authentication Library
Disabling this policy will result in using legacy
Azure Active Directory Authentication Library when logging into Notes mailbox account. (
Legacy proxy
Office 365
Modern Authentication
, select the "Use legacy Proxy
Office 365
Modern Authentication requests" option to use legacy proxy requests through the
BlackBerry Dynamics
Proxy server. (
Security settings
Select the "Disable SSL Certificate Checking" option to disable SSL Certificate verification for
Exchange ActiveSync
Microsoft Exchange Web Services
in test environments.