Install BlackBerry BRIDGE from Google
Play on Android devices
BlackBerry BRIDGE
from Google
on Android
devicesYou can send the following instructions to device users that are installing the
BlackBerry BRIDGE
app on their devices. - Make sure that aBlackBerry Dynamicsapp, for example,BlackBerry Work, is installed and activated on your device.
- Make sure theMicrosoftIntuneCompany Portal app is installed on your device. You do not need to activate the app. For more information, see
- Make sure that the supportedMicrosoft Intunemanaged apps are installed and activated on your device.
- Download theBlackBerry BRIDGEapp fromGoogle Play.
- If theIntuneCompany Portal app is not installed on your device, you are prompted with the following message:To use your work or school account with this app, you must install Intune Company Portal app. Tap "Play Store" to continue. TapPlay Storeto install theMicrosoft IntuneCompany Portal app.
- TapLogin.
- On theMicrosoft Sign inpage, enter your email address.
- TapNext.
- If your organization has a login page, enter your username.
- TapNext.
- Enter your password.
- TapSign in.
- ClickOKto acknowledge that your IT department is helping to protect your work or school data using theBridgeapp.
- To activate theBlackBerry BRIDGEapp, enter your password for theBlackBerry Dynamicsapp or useyour fingerprint.
- ClickOKto acknowledge that your organization protects the data in the app and to restart the app.
- IfBlackBerry Workopens, place it in the background.
- If you are prompted, set a PIN or use your fingerprint to access your organization's data using theBlackBerry BRIDGEapp.
- Confirm the PIN.
- Read the license agreement and if you agree, tapAccept.
- If this is the first time you have logged in to theBlackBerry BRIDGEapp, the tutorials open. Complete one of the following tasks:
- TapSkipto close the tutorial without viewing them. TapOK. You can view the tutorial later from the Settings screen.
- View the Tutorials. TapNextto advance to the next page. TapDone. A reminder prompt is not displayed, but the tutorial is available in the Settings screen to view again.