BlackBerry Access for iOS fixed issues
When users tried to access an internal website, the website did not display as expected. (GMAGDIOS-16986) |
When users tried to view the BlackBerry Access certificate information, the complete certificate details, such as the Common Name (CN), did not display. (GMAGDIOS-16984) |
When users tried to access some websites, the websites displayed as blank pages and didn't timeout. (GMAGDIOS-16978) |
When users tried to access an internal website, they received the following error message: "Error fetching cryptoWorkerJsBundle.js" and the website did not display. (GMAGDIOS-16976) |
In environments that use Kerberos Constrained Delegation (KCD), and where Service Principal Names (SPNs) were missing, when users tried to access an internal website, it did not load or time out, and they weren't prompted for login credentials. (GMAGDIOS-16974) |
After accessing the initial few emails in the HCL Verse 3.2.2 webmail application, the email body did not load consistently. (GMAGDIOS-16970) |
On devices running iOS 17, when users attempted to access a login page, it displayed as a blank page. (GMAGDIOS-16936) |
When users attempted to upload files from the Files app to a website using BlackBerry Access , they encountered the error message 'Something went wrong with the upload. Please try again.' and the upload failed. (GMAGDIOS-16926) |
When users tried to search some websites, the search functionality did not function as expected and returned a "No matches found" message. (GMAGDIOS-16818) |