Install a Modular Sensor in Azure
Depending on your
Azure subscription, installing and using the Modular Sensor in Azure may incur additional costs. After you install the sensor, you need to apply a token to associate it with your CylanceMDR
tenant.- Review the Modular Sensor requirements.
- Obtain a token for the Modular Sensor from theCylanceMDRonboarding team.
- Log in to your Azure portal at
- On theDashboardscreen, ClickAzure Active Directory.
- ClickProperties.
- Copy theTenant IDfield.
- Copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar and replace<tenant_id>with the Tenant ID that you copied.<tenant_id>/oauth2/authorize?client_id=58238038-43b4-4446-8260-0fa97ace1085&response_type=code&
- In thePermissions requesteddialog, selectConsent on behalf of your organization.
- ClickAccept.
- ClickEnterprise Applications.
- On theEnterprise applications | All applicationsscreen, search forStellar.A list of applications appear. If you don't see a list of applications, contactCylanceMDRsupport.
- If necessary, create a new resource group. If you want to use an existing resource group, proceed to the next step.
- ClickResource Groups.
- ClickAdd.
- In theSubscriptionfield, choose your subscription.
- In theResource groupfield, enter a name of your group.
- In theRegionfield, choose the region where you want to deploy the resource.
- ClickReview + create.
- ClickCreate.
- On theResource Groupsscreen, click the name of the resource group where you want to deploy the sensor.
- ClickAccess control (IAM).
- ClickAdd role assignments.
- Click thePrivileged administrator rolestab.
- Select theContributoroption.
- In theAssign access todrop-down list, keep the default selection ofUser, group, or service principal.
- In theSelectfield, typeStellar.
- ChooseStellar Cyber Software Packages.
- ClickSave.
- In the left pane, clickHome. The Azure services screen appears.
- On theAzure servicesscreen, clickSubscriptions.
- Click the subscription that you want to use.Depending on your Azure subscription, you may incur additional costs.
- ClickResource providers.
- ClickMicrosoft.Network.
- ClickRegister.
- ClickMicrosoft.Compute.
- ClickRegister.
- On the top right of the screen, click theCloud Shellicon.
- Enter the following commands to retrieve an access token (each command should be one line):az account clear az login --service-principal -u '58238038-43b4-4446-8260-0fa97ace1085' -p '3238Q~KMtVAIyuC6gDVMhboKEW7w6W~bXYQhFcZx' --tenant '2f580e30-1cc1-4c08-9e80-704999508e1a' az account get-access-token
- Enter the following commands to retrieve and access token using the Tenant ID that you copied earlier (each command should be one line).az login --service-principal -u '58238038-43b4-4446-8260-0fa97ace1085' -p '3238Q~KMtVAIyuC6gDVMhboKEW7w6W~bXYQhFcZx' --tenant '<Tenant ID>' az account get-access-token
- Use the following one-line command to output a list of Azure subscriptions:az account list --output table
- Make sure that the subscription that you want to deploy the sensor to is the default (i.e. IsDefault=True). Use the following one-line command to set it:az account set --subscription <subscription>
- Enter the following one-line command to create a Modular Sensor VM. Replace<resource-group>with an existing resource group in your deployment and<version>with the version of software you want to install (for example, 5.2.0)az vm create --size Standard_B12ms --resource-group<resource-group>--name StellarModularSensor --image "/subscriptions/0e28f851-f477-4f2d-94bc-35c00d3d5fd8/resourceGroups/Stellar/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/StellarCyberSoftwares/images/Stellar-ModularSensor/versions/<version>" --admin-username azureuser --admin-password P@ssw0rd#2022 --os-disk-size-gb 128Note that you can specify the virtual network and subnet by including the--vnet-name <vnet-name>and--subnet <subnet-name>parameters. The networks must exist in the same resource group as the VM.
- Do the following to set a static IP address for the Modular Sensor and apply the token to associate it withCylanceMDR:
- Open the VM for your Modular Sensor. A command line appears.
- Enter your login information. The default username/password is aella/changeme. You are prompted to change the password immediately.
- Set a static IP address for the modular sensor using the following commands:
- set interface management ip <ip_address>
- set interface management gateway <gateway_ip_address>
- set interface management dns <dns_ip_address>
- Enterset token string <token>, where<token>is the token provided by theCylanceMDRonboarding team.The message "Sensor token is successfully set" appears.
onboarding team completes the configuration for your CylanceMDR
tenant to receive logs from your Modular Sensor.