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Known issues

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new for this release.
* When a user tries to share a file with a recipient that has invalid characters in their email address, if the recipient doesn't already have an account associated with the Workspaces or UEM environment, an unexpected error occurs when UEM tries to automatically create an account for the recipient. If a UEM administrator tries to disable the Workspaces service for one user and move the content to a new account that has invalid characters in its email address, the attempt is not successful but there is no error message. (SNP-622, SNP-623)
: Manually create a local user account in UEM using the email address that has invalid characters, and enable the Workspaces service for the account. Try to perform the intended action again.
BlackBerry Workspaces
plug-in for
does not support group unique identifiers (GUID) for LDAP directory configurations. (JI 2641726)
: In the "Group Unique identifier" field, use the unique identifier (UID) instead.
In the
BlackBerry UEM Cloud
management console, in Users > BlackBerry Workspaces, a user named "uem-workspaces-admin-<SRP>" appears. This user is required by
and should not be adjusted or removed. (JI 2564146)
After the
BlackBerry Workspaces
trial licenses expire, and the licenses have been renewed, you receive a "Your license has expired" error message when you log in to
BlackBerry UEM Cloud
. (JI 2367159)
  1. Log in to
    BlackBerry UEM
  2. Click
    Settings > Licensing
  3. Log in to
    BlackBerry Workspaces
When you try to enable a user account with an email address that contains special characters such as the caret (^), astrisk (*), pound (#), or dollar ($), with the
BlackBerry Workspaces
service and then try to view the
BlackBerry Workspaces
service information from the user's detail page, the screen is blank. (JI 2196783)
: Remove the special character from the email address before enabling the user account for the
BlackBerry Workspaces
* When you try to delete a user from the
management console, if the user had both
BlackBerry Workspaces
BlackBerry Enterprise Identity
(EID) services enabled, the incorrect error message appears when only the EID service is removed. All services must be removed from a
user account before the account can be deleted. (JI 1657607)
: In the "Group Unique identifier" field, use the unique identifier (UID) instead.