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What's new in
BlackBerry AtHoc
mobile app 4.8

iOS and Android

  • Alert publishing error messages
    : The following alert publishing error messages were added:
    Error code
    Error message
    Invalid blocked group
    Invalid target group
    Publish alert template is not found or invalid
    Invalid personal device
    Failed to publish alert
  • Attachments
    : The following attachments improvements were made:
    • Support was added for .html, .kml, and .xml files.
    • .html, .kml, and .xml files can be downloaded on the mobile device.
    • If an attachment is not downloaded in the background, tapping on the attachment from the list displays the file type icon and an Open / Download button.
    • When downloading a .kml, .xml, or .html file and a file with the same name already exists in the selected folder, the mobile app displays a "File already exists" error. The user can tap OK to close the message or Replace to overwrite the file.
    • If the user taps an attachment while it is downloading in the background, a progress icon is displayed.
    • If the user taps the home screen while an attachment is downloading, the mobile app continues to download the file and displays a message when the download is complete.
    • Success and failure messages are displayed when an attachment is downloaded.
  • Authentication type
    : When smart card authentication is enabled, the Authentication Type row appears in the Available Features section of the settings screen.
  • Check Out
    : Users can now send check out events using the mobile app. The check out event sends the user's location to
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    . The check out updates the user's profile with their last known location and appears in the Inbox in the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    management system.
  • Mobile app migration to use Alert Publishing APIs
    : The mobile app now uses the Alert Publishing API instead of the legacy SDK for the alert publishing flow.
  • OS support
    : The
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    mobile app is now supported on Android 11, iOS 14, and iPadOS 14.
    A Precise Location setting was introduced as part of Apple iOS 14. Users with Apple iPhones running iOS 14 or later should turn on the Precise Location setting to ensure the mobile app can target them in alerts and accurately determine their location when they send emergencies and reports, perform check ins and check outs, or enable tracking from the mobile app. When this setting is turned off, the mobile app can only access an approximate location for the user. The Precise Location setting can be turned on under
    Location Services
  • Registration email address
    : End user email addresses can be preconfigured and prepopulated on the Registration screen. When the user registers on the mobile app, their email address is prepopulated. The email address field can be manually edited.
  • Smart card authentication
    : When smart card authentication is enabled, when an operator starts the alert publishing, report summary, or accountability officer respond-on-behalf-of others (ROBO) flows, a window appears to select a valid certificate. The certificate must already be present on the operator's device. When a valid certificate is selected, the operator can then complete the flow.
    When smart card authentication is enabled, it becomes the primary authentication method. When the primary authentication type changes from username and password to smart card authentication or vice versa, any current access and refresh tokens expire and the operator must authenticate with the new primary authentication method.
    When smart card authentication is enabled, biometric authentication is disabled and the biometric authentication setting is not displayed on the settings screen. The username and password authentication method cannot be disabled.
  • Smart card authentication error handling
    : If smart card authentication fails, the user is redirected to the username and password login screen.The mobile app displays the following error messages:
    • Login Failed: There is an invalid RedirectUri or OrgCode in the configuration.
    • Invalid Certificate: The MTLS Auth is not configured for the organization.
    • Invalid Certificate: The certificate is unable to extract the mapping ID.
    • User Not Found: The user account of the submitted certificate is not found.
    • Service Error: The server could not accept the login request.
    • Authentication Cancelled: The user cancelled the authentication.


  • Attachment downloads
    : When a mobile user clicks the Download button for an .html, .kml, or .xml attachment, if the file is already downloaded, the user is prompted to select a folder on their device to save the file in. The download begins when the user selects the folder. If the file is already present in the selected folder, an overwrite message dialog is displayed.
  • No network connectivity banner
    : When the mobile app has no network connectivity, a banner is displayed on the alert details page.