Resolved issues
Jira ID | Platform | Summary |
MBL-14389 | Android | Extra response options are displayed in the user profile's "View Activities" section that were not part of the original alert when published. |
MBL-14392 | iOS | When auto-creating a new user, the My Profile screen fails to load for users with an email address containing a + character. |
MBL-14393 | iOS | An Invalid Email error is displayed and no verification email is sent when registering the mobile app with an email address that contains the special characters # or &. |
MBL-14431 | iOS | The mobile app displays an authentication error dialog if the user cancels the authentication process while attempting to update a user's status in an accountability event. The same issue occurs when the user's session expires and they cancel the authentication. |
MBL-14443 | Android | The mobile app occasionally freezes instead of going to the home screen when the user presses the back button from the alert details screen. |
MBL-14445 | iOS | The mobile app publishes a duplicate timestamp for mobile event types such as check-ins and check-outs. |
MBL-14539 | iOS | Attachments sent from the mobile app are not included in alerts triggered by mobile alert event rules in BlackBerry AtHoc . |
Jira ID | Platform | Summary |
MBL-14389 | Android | Extra response options that are not part of the alert when publishing are shown in the user profile's "View Activities." |
MBL-14370 | iOS | Mobile app registration does not work for emails with frequently used special characters. |
MBL-14421 | iOS | Users are unable to register the mobile app due to a "no network connectivity" error. This issue occurs even when users have a stable internet connection and are not required to be on the organization network to register the app. |
MBL-14419 | iOS | The user list in an Accountability Officer alert is not displayed when there are more than 50 users. |
Jira ID | Platform | Summary |
MBL-13944 MBL-13992 | iOS, Android | The remote push notification feature does not work correctly for collaboration messages on the mobile app. When the app is in a killed state and the user receives a new collaboration message, the user does not receive a push notification. Instead, the user sees a generic notification that indicates that there are new collaboration messages, but does not provide details about the specific message. Clicking on this generic notification takes the user to the list of collaboration sessions, but not directly to the chat session for the new message. This issue is resolved in BlackBerry AtHoc release 7.20. |
MBL-14040 | iOS, Android | The mobile app inbox incorrectly shows ended alerts as 'Live' for both iOS and Android users due to a code issue that prevents the database from updating the end date and status of the alert. |
MBL-14042 | iOS | Ended alerts are displayed on the All tab in the Inbox as Live due to the mobile app improperly refreshing the list of alerts when the user relaunches the app after a period of time. |