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Known issues


The AtHoc ADC agent does not always start automatically after a successful installation of the desktop app on macOS Big Sur. Workaround: Manually start the agent from the install folder to see the
BlackBerry AtHoc
desktop app icon in the taskbar.


In dark mode, the Get Started page where an email address is entered is partially blank.


When the Mail Log button is clicked, a terminal window opens in the background.


Mac: Desktop Notifier Icon is not disabled for disabled user.


A Self Service access validation error can occur. Reinstall the ADC plug-in to resolve this error.


  • Two identical clients can be launched if one client is launched manually and the other client is launched automatically.
  • In Self Service, unable to go back to the inbox from an open alert.
  • After a system restart, it takes almost one minute to launch the Mac client icon.