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Determine the regular expression

The following three regular expression values are provided to extract the user’s Mapping ID:
  1. HTTP_CAC_REGEX: The primary regex in 
    BlackBerry AtHoc
     for operator login.
  2. ALT_HTTP_CAC_REGEX: The first alternate regex in 
    BlackBerry AtHoc
     for operator login.
  3. CAC_SAN_REGEX: The second alternate regex in 
    BlackBerry AtHoc
     for operator login.
BlackBerry AtHoc
 server tries HTTP_CAC_REGEX first. If ALT_HTTP_CAC_REGEX results in an empty string, the server tries to use CAC_SAN_REGEX. If none of these regular expressions extracts a value or retrieves incorrect information, smart card log in fails.
To determine what the issue is, check the certificate and verify that at least one of the regular expressions extracts the value. For more information, see Appendix A: Retrieve certificate information.