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Manage visibility options for Schedule Fields in an alert template

  1. In the navigation bar, click
    Alert Templates
  2. On the
    Alert Templates
    screen, select a template or click
  3. On the
    New Template
    screen, click
  4. On the
    Alert Template Settings
    screen, click
  5. In the
    Visibility in Alert
    section, do one of the following:
    • Select
      Show Schedule Section
      , then select the check boxes beside each option you want to make available to users who are creating alerts from the alert template.
      • Select
        Show as initially collapsed
        if you want the Schedule section to display in its collapsed state when the alert template is first opened by the alert creator.
      • Select
        Show as read-only and prevent publisher from editing
        if you want the alert creator to be able to see the Schedule section without being able to edit it.
    • Select
      Hide Schedule Section
      if you do not want users who are creating alerts from the alert template to be able to see the Schedule section.
      If a section is not ready, you cannot make that section read-only or hide it.
  6. Click