What's new in BlackBerry 2FA
BlackBerry 2FA
This section highlights the latest features that were added in a previous release of
BlackBerry 2FA
.Item | Description |
Improved OTP authentication experience for users | Users now have the option include their OTP code after their username, separated with a comma. Users can see and verify the OTP code that they type when it is included with the username instead of the password. For example, the user can type “janedoe,555123” (no spaces) when authenticating. |
Improved user experience on iOS devices | If the device cannot send the confirmation response to UEM (for example, because of poor connectivity), the BlackBerry UEM Client now suggests alternative 2FA solutions that are available to the user.This requires BlackBerry UEM version 12.10 and a version of BlackBerry UEM Client for iOS later than 12.38.2127. |
BlackBerry 2FA server
BlackBerry 2FA
serverBlackBerry 2FA
server 3.4.3 includes bug fixes only.BlackBerry 2FA
server 3.4.2 includes bug fixes only.This section highlights the latest features for
BlackBerry 2FA
server 3.4.1.Item | Description |
Added support for Open JDK | Open JDK 8-based builds that are compatible with Java
SE 8 are supported as an alternative to using Oracle JDK 8. |
This section highlights the latest features for
BlackBerry 2FA
server 3.4.Item | Description |
Improved BlackBerry 2FA server installation and upgrade experience | If you are running a previous version of BlackBerry 2FA server, you can now upgrade to the latest server without uninstalling the previous version. When upgrading, server configuration settings are backed up and automatically reapplied after the upgrade. After installation, the BlackBerry 2FA service is now automatically restarted. The server can now also be uninstalled from the Windows Control Panel.The BlackBerry 2FA server requires Java Runtime Environment 8 for Windows x64 bundle 151 or later.For the latest server compatibility information, see the BlackBerry 2FA server compatibility matrix. |