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Using profiles to manage device features

BlackBerry UEM
uses different types of profiles to manage a wide variety of device features and capabilities for
, and
devices. You configure a profile to meet your organization's needs and then assign it to user accounts, user groups, and device groups to apply that configuration to devices.
To review a complete list of the available profiles, see BlackBerry UEM profiles.
Profiles can be ranked or unranked. For ranked profiles,
will assign one profile of that type to a device (for example, one compliance profile). If a ranked profile is assigned to a user directly, it takes precedence over any profiles of that type that are assigned to user groups that user belongs to. If a user belongs to multiple user groups with different profiles of that type assigned, ranking is used to determined which profile to assign. If a user's device belongs to a device group, the profile assigned to the device group takes precedence over the same profile of that type that is assigned directly to the user. If the device belongs to multiple device groups with different profiles of that type, ranking is used to determined which profile to assign.
For unranked profiles, more than one profile of that type can be a assigned to a device, either from direct assignment to a user account or through group assignment (for example, a device can be assigned more than one
For certain profile types, a profile must be assigned to devices. If a profile is not assigned to users directly or through group membership,
assigns a preconfigured default profile.
includes a default activation profile, default compliance profile, default enterprise connectivity profile, and default
Enterprise Management Agent