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BlackBerry UEM

The following
BlackBerry UEM
features are supported in a dark site environment.
Multiplatform device management
You can manage
Samsung Knox
Trusted and secure experience
Device controls give you precise management of how devices connect to your network, what capabilities are enabled, and what apps are available.
Controlling access to
Microsoft Exchange
Your organization can use the
BlackBerry Gatekeeping Service
to control which devices can access
Exchange ActiveSync
. Any device that's not allowed for
Microsoft Exchange
is reported in the
Exchange ActiveSync
devices list and blocked from accessing work email and organizer data.
App management
You can install and manage internal apps on devices. You can also block devices from installing apps from other sources.
Role-based administration
You can share administrative duties with multiple administrators who can access the administration consoles at the same time. You can use roles to define the actions that an administrator can perform and reduce security risks, distribute job responsibilities, and increase efficiency by limiting the options available to each administrator. You can use predefined roles or create your own custom roles.