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BlackBerry Dynamics
 app settings

Most of the following settings are supported only for 
 devices and don't appear on the 
 app package ID
This setting specifies the package ID for the app.
App name
This setting specifies the name of the app that appears on the app list.
This setting specifies the vendor of the app.
App description 
This setting specifies the app description.
This setting specifies a category to filter apps in the app list by category and to organize the apps into categories in the work apps list on users' devices. You can select a category or type a name to create a new category.
This setting specifies screenshots for the app. Click "Add"
 to select the images. The supported image types are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif.
Supported device form factor
This setting specifies the form factors that the app can be installed on. For example, you can prevent the app from being available in the 
Work Apps
 app on 
Remove the app from the device when the device is removed from 
BlackBerry UEM
This setting specifies whether the app is deleted from the device when the device is removed from 
BlackBerry UEM
This setting applies only to apps with a disposition marked as "Required" and the default installation for required apps is set to "Prompt once."
 backup for the app
This setting specifies whether the app can be backed up to the 
 online service.
This option applies only to apps with a disposition marked as "Required."
Default installation for required apps
This setting specifies whether users are prompted to install required apps. Select one of the following options:
  • Prompt once
    : users to receive one prompt to install the app on their 
     devices. If users dismiss the prompt, they can install the app later using the 
    Work Apps
     screen in the 
    BlackBerry UEM Client
     app or the 
    Work Apps
     icon on the device.
  • No prompt
    : Users don't receive a prompt to install the app.
This setting applies only to apps with the disposition set to "Required." You set the disposition of the app when you assign the app to a user or group. 
Convert installed personal app to work app
This setting specifies whether to convert the app to a work app if it is already installed on 
 devices. If you select "Convert," after you assign the app to a user, the app is converted to a work app and can be managed by 
BlackBerry UEM
Restricted versions
This setting specifies versions of the app that you want to prevent users from installing on their devices. If you add multiple versions, separate each version with a comma.