Keystore commands
The following table lists the keystore commands that are available at the command line. For more information, see the
resource, visit keytool.Action | Command |
Check which certificates are currently in the keystore | keytool -list -v -keystore lib\security\cacerts |
Export a list of the certificates that are currently in the keystore | keytool.exe -list -v -keystore lib\security\cacerts > c:\bemscert\cacertsoutput.txt |
Export a certificate from the keystore | keytool -exportcert -alias < alias_name > -file <file_name >.crt -keystore lib\security\cacerts |
Check a standalone certificate | keytool -printcert -v -file < filename >.crt |
Delete a certificate from the keystore | keytool -delete -alias < alias_name > -keystore lib\security\cacerts |
Import a signed primary certificate to an existing BEMS Java keystore | keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias < alias_name > -file <file_name >.crt -keystore lib\security\cacerts |