What's new in the BlackBerry UEM version 12.19 REST APIs
For details about the new features and updates discussed here, see the BlackBerry UEM 12.19 REST API Reference.
New data types
Type | Description |
Sim | The sim data of a device. |
New data type properties
Resource: Device
Property | Description |
sims | List of sims on the device. |
Resource: Email template types
Property | Description |
ACTIVATION_ANDROID_MANAGEMENT | Sent to provide activation details for Android Management activations. |
New method command properties
Resource: Users
Path | Command | Property |
POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/userDevices/{userDeviceGuid}/commands | DELETE_DEVICE_DATA | preserveEsim: Indicates if the eSIM information is to be preserved during the device wipe (optional, cannot be used in conjunction with 'password' property). |
New resource samples
Resource: Devices
Path | Description |
GET /SRP00000/api/v1/devices | Gets all the devices. |