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BlackBerry Dynamics Bindings for

What's new in
BlackBerry Dynamics Bindings for Microsoft.Android
version 12.0

This release includes updates from the
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
version 12.0. For more information, see the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android Release Notes.
Changes to SDK and software requirements
  • Microsoft.Android
    33.0.95 or later is required.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
    17.6.6 or later is required.
.NET upgrade
.NET has been upgraded to .NET 7.0 in this release.
Rename of Launcher NuGet
Launcher NuGet has been renamed to GoodDynamics.Android.Launcher.<VERSION>.nupkg in this release.
Changes to NuGet ProGuard
BlackBerry Dynamics
library dependencies
BlackBerry Dynamics Bindings for Microsoft.Android
now includes
BlackBerry Dynamics
AAR libraries containing it's own ProGuard rules file, so using a separate ProGuard file with
BlackBerry Dynamics
related rules on the application level is not required anymore. For more information, see the ProGuard rules file in the samples and
14 readiness
14 is now supported in this release.
recommends upgrading to
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
12.0. If you do not upgrade from version 11.1, you may experience performance issues and battery drain on
14, as
14 will now queue all events and deliver them when apps are in the foreground. For more information, see Behavior changes: all apps in the Android documentation.
Security enhancements
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
now includes security enhancements to improve rooted detection, hooking detection, and emulator detection.
Enhancements to user passwords
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
has been updated to improve the flow of changing a user's password. If a user attempts to change their password from a non-authentication delegated app, the device will open an authentication delegated app and will prompt the user to change their password from the authentication delegated app. For more information, see Authentication delegation in the
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
development guide.
UX enhancements
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
has been updated with enhanced UX to improve iconography, consistency, and clarity on SDK screens. The following updates are new in this release:
  • Icons, forms, and UI elements have been updated to use the Material Design icons.
  • The UI has been updated with improved consistency for assets. For example, consistency has been improved for buttons, asset placement, headings, text alignment, etc.
  • The instructions for changing a user's password has been improved, giving users better clarity on the change password flow.
  • Old strings and templates have been updated to improve clarity.
CURL upgrade
CURL has been updated to version 8.0.0 in this release.
Heimdal upgrade
Heimdal has been upgraded to version 7.80.0 in this release.
Changes to BBWebView
The deprecated API BBWebChromeClient.onReachedMaxAppCacheSize has been removed from BBWebView in this release.
BlackBerry Persona
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
will be ending support for
BlackBerry Persona
in the 12.1 release. You must remove any instances of
BlackBerry Persona
APIs after the 12.1 release.

BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library

This release uses
BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library

Known issues and limitations

Due to a
Microsoft Visual Studio
packaging issue, a runtime error might occur after switching to library level ProGuard dependencies.
: Clean bin/obj project folders, clean project, restore dependencies, rebuild, and then deploy the application. In addition, when switching between
Microsoft Visual Studio
and your terminal (CLI dotnet build), the bin/obj folders must be cleaned or the "--no-incremental" parameter must be used. A build time warning has been added to the sample applications to pay special attention to this issue.