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BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS

What's new in the
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS

Changes to the SDK and software requirements:
Enhancements to NSURLSession
The subclass NSURLSessionWebSocketTask is supported in this release of the
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS
with the following features:
  • WS and WSS URL schemes
  • Redirection
  • Basic, Digest, Kerberos, and NTLM authorization
  • Handling client and server cookies
  • Certificate trust handling
The SDK does not currently support permessage-deflate extensions.
For more information, see NSURLSession support in the
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS
API reference.

BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library

This release uses
BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library

Fixed issues

16, dictation was operational even if the
Do not allow iOS dictation
BlackBerry Dynamics
profile setting was enabled. (GD-59536)
Some activated endpoints had to wait up to 15 minutes before they were authenticated by the
BlackBerry Proxy
. (GD-57723)

Known issues or limitations

If a user provisions a
BlackBerry Dynamics
app using biometric authentication (Touch ID or Face ID) while the
Permit fallback to device passcode if biometric authentication fails
policy is enabled, sends the app to the background, returns the app to the foreground, and selects
Don't Allow
at the Face ID prompt, the user is forced to use the device passcode to unlock the container instead of the container password. The user could not use the container password to unlock the app when it is sent to the background and returned to the foreground again.
: The user must restart the app to use the container password. To re-enable Face ID authentication to the app, the user must go to Device Settings > Face ID and Passcode > Other Apps and enable Face ID for the app. (GD-59075)
If a
BlackBerry Dynamics
app uses
authentication and the app tries to access a web page using an IP address, after the user enters their credentials, the web page does not load as expected and the user is prompted to enter their credentials again in a loop. (GD-54481)
: When you develop
BlackBerry Dynamics
apps, do not hard code URLs that use IP addresses. If users can manually enter a URL, instruct users to avoid URLs that use an IP address.