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Using an entitlement ID and version to uniquely identify a
BlackBerry Dynamics

BlackBerry Dynamics
apps are uniquely identified by a
BlackBerry Dynamics
entitlement ID (GDApplicationID) and entitlement version (GDApplicationVersion). The entitlement ID and entitlement version are used to manage end-user entitlement in the management console. The values are also used for app publishing and service provider registration.
These values are specified in the assets/settings.json file for
or in the Info.plist file for
If you are using the
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Cordova
, you will instead specify the entitlement ID and version by adding the following lines to the config.xml file:
<preference name="GDApplicationID" value="Your_Custom_Application_ID" /> <preference name="GDApplicationVersion" value="Your_Custom_Application_Version" />
You must define both the entitlement ID and the entitlement version for all of your
BlackBerry Dynamics
apps, regardless of whether you use the Shared Services Framework. The same entitlement ID must be used to represent the app across all platforms.
For more information about setting and checking the entitlement ID and version, the proper format to use for these values, and other requirements and considerations:
  • See the GDAndroid Class reference in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android API Reference, especially these sections:
    • Identification
    • Indirect Authorization Initiation
    • void authorize (GDAppEventListener eventListener ) throws GDInitializationError
  • See the GDiOS Class reference in the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS API Reference, especially these sections:
    • Identification
    • Authorization
    • - (void) authorize: (id< GDiOSDelegate > _Nonnull) delegate