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Adding the GDSafetyNet library to the app project

BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android
version 5.0 and later includes a new GDSafetyNet library. To support
Play Integrity
, add the GoodDynamics.Android.SafetyNet NuGet library and refer to the Load bindings for a new project steps and the Apache HTTP sample configuration.
The GDSafetyNet library includes all of the client-side source code that is required to support
Play Integrity
. No additional app code is required. The GDSafetyNet library requires Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.SafetyNet NuGet 71.0 (which is included in the NuGet library above) or later to use device
Play Integrity
APIs. Verify that your
BlackBerry Dynamics
app is dependent on only a single version of
Google Play