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BlackBerry Work for Android
fixed issues

When users clicked a Mailto hyperlink URL, the Compose Email didn't prefill the Subject field. (G3ANDROID-31648)
When users tried to open some attachments, they were prompted for a container password before being returned to the email screen, and
BlackBerry Work
stopped responding. (G3ANDROID-31615)
If a calendar was disabled from viewing in the
BlackBerry Work
app and then was renamed in
Microsoft Outlook
, the calendar was automatically enabled for viewing in the
BlackBerry Work
app again after a short period of time. (G3ANDROID-31422)
In environments with the following configuration, users couldn't select and copy text from downloaded attachments:
  • In the
    BlackBerry Dynamics
    profile: The
    Do not allow copying data from BlackBerry Dynamics apps into non BlackBerry Dynamics apps
    checkbox was cleared.
  • In the
    BlackBerry Work
    app configuration, the
    Allow receiving and opening attachments
    was selected.
Sometimes when users with devices activated on
Microsoft 365
used a Mailto hyperlink URL worked, nothing happened. (G3ANDROID-31218)
When users tried to update a contact that was created in
Microsoft Outlook
BlackBerry Work
Contacts, occasionally, the native Contacts app displayed the contact's username, but other information such as their phone number and email address didn't display. (G3ANDROID-31080)