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Work with offline files and folders

Your Offline repository contains a copy of FileShare, 
Microsoft SharePoint
, or other site files that you can work on without an Internet connection. Offline files and folders are displayed with The Offline icon for easy identification.
  1. To add files and folders to your Offline repository, tap The Menu icon beside the file and tap 
    Add to Offline
    . Protected files cannot be added to the Offline repository. This repository can contain folders that contain files that are designated as offline by your administrator.
    If you can't mark folders offline, the files contained in the folders might be too large for the available space on your device. Increase the offline files cache or free some device space. For instructions, see Change Docs settings.
  2. Tap The Navigation Drawer icon > 
    The Offline icon appears beside the file. Tip: In an open file, you can tap The Menu icon > 
    Add to Offline
  3. To remove a file or folder from your Offline repository, tap The Menu icon beside the file or folder and tap 
    Remove from Offline
    . The copy is deleted. The latest online version of the file is unaffected.