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Known issues

If you force kill
BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE
and then try to share a document from the corporate directory using
BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE
, the "Send to
BlackBerry Dynamics
" dialog box does not display. (GD-61169)
Select the "Open in Bridge" option to transfer the document. 
BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE
app stays on the splash page when a
BlackBerry Dynamics
app is force stopped in the following scenario:
  • BlackBerry UEM
    server is configured for
    Microsoft Intune
  • The
    Microsoft Intune
    app protection profile has the "Enable interoperability between
    and Dynamics apps" enabled
  • The
    BlackBerry Dynamics
    policy has the "Do not require password" enabled
When users log in to the
BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE
app using an email address that is different than the email address used to log in to
BlackBerry Work
, they receive the error message
The work or school account you specified does not have access to this app. You may have to sign in with a different account. Contact your IT administrator for help
, and they cannot log in to the app. (BRIDGE-2753)
Factory reset the device.
Sometimes when sending a file to the
BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE
app, the "Open in" option is not available when users try to open a file that was already sent to the
BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE
app from
BlackBerry Work
. (BRIDGE-2696, GD-35159)
BlackBerry Work
and send the file again.
When users send a .doc file from
BlackBerry Work
to an
-managed instance of
Microsoft Word
and then send the file back to
BlackBerry Work
without first saving a copy, the the file is corrupted and can't be viewed. (BRIDGE-2691)
Save the file before you send the file back to
BlackBerry Work
BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE
app stops responding when users perform a "Reset all settings" on their device. (BRIDGE-2683)
Factory reset the device.
User is asked to create a PIN for Bridge app and another separate PIN for the Office app (BRIDGE-2622)
When users install and provision the
BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE
app for the first time, the text
Error Text
is displayed on the screen where users acknowledge that the orgaization is protecting the data using the app. (BRIDGE-2610)
When a file is created in the
managed app and sent to
BlackBerry Work
, users receive the following error message
Action not allowed. Your organization only allows to open work or school data in this app
. (BRIDGE-2556, BRIDGE-2687)
You must first save the new file to a corporate location (for example,
Microsoft OneDrive for Business
) before you can securely transfer it to
BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE
Users can’t save or access files on
Microsoft OneDrive for Business
when they are connected to the organization environment using LTE or a non-corporate
connection. For more information about conditional access, visit to read the following pages:
When users save a file and tap More, the
BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE
app stops responding. (BRIDGE-2542)
If a user edits a file, sends it back to
BlackBerry Work
, and selects the "Reply All" option, the To field is not populated when the email is sent to the user themself. (BRIDGE-2537, G3DOCS-6369)
Users can save a file to a local location on the device and to
. The user cannot view the file from those locations. (BRIDGE-2487)