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Categorize your tasks

Tags help you categorize your tasks. For example, you can add the tag "Alex's birthday" to any task associated with a party that you're planning for Alex's birthday. When you want to see all of the tasks for the party, you can filter your tasks by that tag.
  1. In the Tasks app, in a new task or an existing task, do one of the following:
    • If the task doesn't have any tags, tap
      No tags
    • If the task has a tag, tap to the right of the tag.
  2. Enter a tag name, and then do one of the following:
    • If your device has a touch screen keyboard, tap The done icon on the keyboard.
    • If your device has a physical keyboard, press the
  3. Tap The done icon.
To filter your tasks by a tag, tap The menu icon, and then tap a tag.
To remove all tags from a task, tap The remove icon.