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Managing information protection policies

Information protection policies allow you to create organizational or regulatory policies that are triggered when specified conditions are met. You can add conditions using a template or through the conditions builder. Information protection policies are cumulative and not ranked like other
Cylance Endpoint Security
policies. If the user is unknown or had no policies assigned, all policies will be applied to the user.
Information protection policies can either be regulatory or organizational. Depending on the policy type, different reconciliation logic will be applied.
  • When a user is assigned multiple regulatory policy types, policies will be consolidated for the user and the most restrictive rules and remediation actions will be applied.
  • When a user is assigned multiple organizational policy types, policies will be consolidated for the user and the least restrictive rules and remediation actions will be applied.
At least one information protection policy is required. If you try to delete the information protection policies, you will receive an error stating that one policy is required.