BlackBerry 2FA server ports
BlackBerry 2FA
server portsThe following table provides a list of the default ports that the folder.
BlackBerry 2FA
server uses. Unless specified, you can change them in the bb2fa-config.json file located in the <install_dir>
/bb2fa-configWhen you install several
BlackBerry 2FA
servers to configure high availability, the same port numbers are configured for each server. If a defined listening port is not available, the BlackBerry 2FA
server writes an error message to the log file after you configure and start the server.Port | Purpose |
1812 | This is the inbound UDP port that the BlackBerry 2FA server uses as the primary port for RADIUS communication with VPN gateways. |
5443 | This is the inbound HTTPS port that the BlackBerry 2FA server's external REST API endpoint uses to receive responses custom services. |
8828 | This is the HTTP inbound configuration port from UEM. The BlackBerry 2FA server uses port 8828 for the first BlackBerry UEM instance that you add and then increments by one for each additional instance. |
8886 | This is the outbound port that the BlackBerry 2FA server uses to send a request for user authentication. |
10000 and above | This is the inbound port that the BlackBerry 2FA server uses to receive device confirmation responses from BlackBerry UEM .Device confirmation requests and responses are supported for all device types. The BlackBerry 2FA server uses port 10000 for the first BlackBerry UEM instance that you add and then increments by one for each additional instance. |