BEMS response codes
response codesThe following table describes the response codes that
might return. These sample
response codes are based on the sample code in Create and updated multiple bookmarks.ID | Response | Description |
id:204996f57b552ff58e43cebe03f6f58de | Error: ALREADY EXISTS | This bookmark already exists in the database. The lastModifiedTime in
the request is not equal to the lastModifiedTime in the database for the ID resulting in a
conflict that must be resolved by the application. |
id:3fba55721a8ff31c367baac5df03cbc38 | Error:NOT_FOUND | The bookmark is not found in the database. It might have been deleted on
another of the user's devices. |
id:39bc1dd4dd90aad1f4910d3682f349b07 | "lastModifiedTime": 1484673690049 | The lastModifiedTime of 0 in the request indicates that the bookmark is
newly created on the device, BEMS updates the database and returns a timestamp in the response. |
3fbe1884dd9099d1f4810d47f3c495c18 | "lastModifiedTime": 1484673690049 | The lastModifiedTime of 0 in the request indicates that the bookmark is
newly created on the device and BEMS returns a timestamp.This request contains a new payload field called newfield. Payloads can
change. BEMS updates the
database with the new field. |