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Create a New Accountability Event

14 steps to get you started

Click Account

1. Click Account

Tip:  AtHoc® Account provides out of the box templates. You can also create your own. For more information, see BlackBerry AtHoc Account.

Click New Event

2. Click New Event

Select an accountability template

3. Select a template

The out-of-the-box templates represent predefined business processes. 

Enter event details

4. Fill in the Event Details section

If the section is collapsed, click to expand it.

Review status response options for users

5. Review the status response options for users

Unlike responses to alerts, statuses may be updated multiple times during an event. Response options are configured within the accountability template.

You can create custom status responses in Settings > User Attributes. For more information, see "Create a custom accountability status response" in the BlackBerry AtHoc Account guide.

Select affected users

6. Choose the Affected Users

As the event progresses, the Affected Users list updates in real time.

Fill in user messages and workflow

7. Fill in the User Messages and Workflow section

If the section is collapsed, click to expand it.

Set the duration

8. Set the event duration

Once the event ends, user statuses cannot be updated. 

Choose to include user historical status

9. Choose to include User Historical Status

Check this option to collect statuses reported by users before the event began.

Step 10: Preview and edit initial, reminder, and ending messages

10. Preview or edit the initial, reminder, and ending messages

The initial message is sent to all affected users at the beginning of the event. 

Reminder messages are sent to users with no status until the event ends. You can change the reminder message title, text, and the frequency the reminder messages are sent.

The ending message is sent to all users when the event ends.

Step 11: Set a schedule

11. Set a schedule

If you want to set up a recurring event, select Activate Recurrence and set the recurrence pattern and period.

Step 12: Click Review and Start

12. Click Review and Start

Step 13: Click Review and Start

13. Click Start

Review the content of the event and click Start.

Step 14: That's it!

14. That's it!

You have successfully created an accountability event!

When you close the Review and Start page, you are automatically redirected to the Summary tab of the event details page.

To learn more AtHoc Account, see the BlackBerry AtHoc Account guide.