When you make a BlackBerry Dynamics app an authentication delegate, it allows the user to access all of the BlackBerry Dynamics apps on the device simply by logging into the delegate app (for example, BlackBerry Work). As long as the user is authenticated with the delegate app, they are authenticated with all BlackBerry Dynamics apps on the device. BlackBerry recommends making the most used BlackBerry Dynamics app the authentication delegate.
If more than one authentication delegate is required, see Blackberry Dynamics profiles settings for more information.
Select Allow self-authentication when an authentication delegate app is not available to allow users to authenticate apps when an authentication delegate is not installed.
For the app authentication delegation to take effect, you need to assign the Blackberry Dynamics profile to users or groups.
You have successfully set a Blackberry Dynamics authentication delegate.
For more information on how to set up a Blackberry Dynamics app to act as an authentication delegate, see BlackBerry Dynamics profile settings.